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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

7 (or so) Quirky Book Recommendations

I read a lot of books from a lot of different genres and, while I usually enjoy what I read, it takes a lot to really surprise or impress me.

Here's a list of books that have resonated with me long after I've closed their covers. These are book I consider 'quirky' and 'brilliant'.

By the way, I discovered most of these books at my local library. Yay, libraries!

Fool by Christopher Moore

"Fool" is a retelling of Shakespeare's King Lear as seen from The Fool's point of view.

But it's more than a mere retelling.

It's a bawdy and outrageous interpretation. There's...er... lots of sex it in.

Shakespeare purists--and anyone with lily-white sensibilities--will probably find much to offend them in here. In fact, they're likely to faint.

But if you think Shakespeare was meant to be joyfully and creatively explored, then this is a real treasure.

PS. I am convinced this book was written with a fair amount of chortling and mad glee. Writerly effervescence just leaps off the page. Someone had a very good time playing with genre.

Jennifer Johnson Is Sick of Being Single by Heather McElhatton

This looks like Chick Lit and it sounds like Chick Lit but it ain't Chick Lit.

That's all I can say without giving too much away.

PS I see now a sequel has come out. I wonder how it works the Chick Lit genre. I haven't read. Must do so!

PPS Don't read anything about the sequel until you've read the first one or you'll give it all away!

Total Oblivion More or Less by Alan Deniro

This is one of the strangest books I have ever read and I mean that in the best possible way. Hats off to the writer's creative power!

So much of the post-apocalyptic world he creates in this novel is bizarre--I mean, really bizarre-- and yet it manages to be grounded in reality, as if such surreal things could indeed take place.

Its also a coming of age story. It's quite brilliant that way. The 16 year old has to deal with a changing world--and her changing relationship to her family. She does so with a wicked sense of humour.

It is at turns funny, sad and horrific. And very impressively far out!

The Flashman Series by George MacDonald Fraser

Flashman is one of those difficult characters that brings forth complicated emotions. I love and hate him. I'll sympathize with him and laugh with him and then suddenly he'll be a real cruel @$%&# to somebody and I'll hate him again.

Flashman (aka Sir Harry Paget Flashman) is a Victorian Male, and as such his views and actions don't always jibe with modern sensibilities.

He is also a bit of a James Bond type (a Victorian 'womanizer' and 'hero') but he's James Bond minus the patriotism, bravery, and suavity.

Actually, he subverts a lot of those 'James Bond' hero expectations. His shameful secret is that he is a 'heroic' fraud. Flashman admits he is a coward, he hates war, has no desire for 'the glory of battle' and yet some how he always ends up on the front lines, having to play the part.

A good portion of the fun of this series is watching Flashman unintentionally get into scrapes, and also into dire, terrible war-political-based scenarios--and then having to find a way to get out of them.

However, his path to saving his own skin is rarely a noble one.

The books pretend to be 'real' accounts, as though Flashman were an old man, writing down his remembrances--and his papers have been 'discovered' by the author. The author thus uses footnotes throughout to explain certain historical points or compare Flashman's version to other (true) versions but also offering proof for Flashman's account based on these real resources. (It has obviously been meticulously researched).

It's a brilliant amalgamation of Truth/Fiction littered with a cast of Victorian Greats while covering some of the Big Events of the Victorian Era. Somehow Flashman is at the centre of it all. He is, in fact, a key player 'behind the scenes'. Often in a very humorous fashion.

Like most books in a series, some are better than others. My favourite is definitely 'Flashman At The Charge'.

The Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett

I've now reached the point where anything by Terry Pratchett is going to be snatched up by me but that wasn't always the case. In my younger years, I tried to read him and couldn't.

I think I found words like 'Ankh-Mopork' too much to wrap my brain around.

But now I'm older (wiser?) and I really get his books.

They are technically fantasy--I mean, every fantasy bit is in there (werewolves, vampires, zombies, dwarfs, trolls, witches, wizards--and more!)--but the books are so much more than that.

These are fantasy-comedy-adventure-mystery-political/social-satire...they are chock o' block with good fun and wry observation and underneath, deeper issues swirl. He sends up our world by using the Discworld to play it all out.

The Discworld is mind-bogglingly real. It's brilliance can't really be explained, just experienced.

I'm reduced to shouting:

"Dibbler the Sausage Seller! Corporal Nobby Nobbs! Unseen University! Hex! The Librarian! The History Monks! Nanny Ogg! Granny Weatherwax! DEATH! DEATH's granddaughter (Susan)! Commander Vimes! The Clacks!"

But only those who've read the books are going to get the joke. If you've enjoyed his books, then you should be smiling in remembrance right about now.

As I said about Flashman, as with any series, some are better than others. My favourite is probably 'Going Postal' (any book with a main character by the name of 'Moist Von Lipwig' simply must be read).

Oh, and I loved 'Thud!' And also 'Feet of Clay'.

And I'd better stop now or I'm just going to start listing too many of them.

The Cheese Monkeys and The Learners by Chip Kidd

These books go together, with The Learners being the sequel

In The Cheese Monkey, the main character goes to college in the late 1950's and experiences a rather...ahem...eccentric art teacher.

In The Learners, the main character graduates and enters the 'real world', getting a job as an art assistant in advertising (circa 1961).

You can just imagine the comic potential in both scenarios.

Both books are funny--and tragic. The main character is a sensitive soul, a bit ahead of his time. Very moving, poignant. Lots to chew over in these books.

The ending of The Learners is also the most perfect, most original ending ever IMHO.

Chip Kidd is best known for being a graphic designer. He did the famed Jurassic Park cover, among others. (Check out his witty TED talk on the subject--But be warned: he drops the F-bomb once).

Passage by Connie Willis

What happens when we die?

Connie Willis decides to find out in this novel.

It's riveting--and unexpected.

This is another book where I can't say too much or I'll ruin it (and also I'll caution you: don't read any reviews!).

Lets just say...I am still haunted.

The cover art makes a lot of sense once you read the book.

This is also a book, like all of those listed here, where after you read it you want to call everyone you know and talk about it.

Honourable Mentions: The Delegate's Choice by Ian Sansom and The Last Queen of Heaven by Gregory Maguire

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